Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cliffs of Moreh (aka tourist time!)

Cliffs of Moreh

On my first full day in Galway I totally got suckered into taking a bus tour for €20. It was actually a pretty good deal although there were still a couple of hidden fees, but seeing as it would be pretty much impossible to get to these sights from my next farm, I figured I better do it now since I won't be back. I woke up early this morning for the free breakfast at my AWESOME hostel and I decided to go the tourist information office first thing just to see what attractions they would recommend. They didn't have all that much to say, so the guy convinced me to hop on a bus tour that was leaving in 5 minutes. I hurried on over and made it just in time.

The tour consisted of a whole bunch of junky little stops to take pictures of the ocean, go into a cave in the burren (a rocky limestone area of county clare), walk around an old castle, and a few others that were even less memorable. But the highlight of the tour was going to the Cliffs of Moreh. They are the third tallest sea cliffs in Ireland and they are renowned for crazy people jumping to their doom. The reason they're so popular is because you can pretty much walk straight up to the edge at your own peril. The actual tourist attraction doesn't allow you to do that, but most of the tourists snuck around a big warning sign and hiked up the side of the cliff anyway, including myself. It's quite a dangerous feat as it's a bit windy at the top.

Luckily there were no accidents, while I was there anyway and it was one of the most invigorating things I've done in Ireland so far. Definitely worth the €20, which I would have paid to get their by bus even if I didn't want the tour. The cincher on the deal was when the tourist info guy told me it was on the verge of becoming one of the eight wonders of the world, and boy was he right. Never seen anything like it that up close and personal.

The trail up - there were other tourists up there, I swear!

Me at the top clinging for dear life

Quite a drop

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