Thursday, August 27, 2009

Belfast is the Hellmouth and Glasgow is full of hookers

This is what I've learned during the past two days. First off, Belfast. My hypothesis that Belfast is the hellmouth comes from 3 different observations. The first, is when I went for a walk to go check out the old, which I use loosely, Protestant and Catholic neighborhoods in the west of the city. Up until maybe 10 years ago, there was constant struggle between these two very closely located parts of town, constant street fighting, bombings, and a whole bunch of horrible goings-on in general. Supposedly it's all over with now, but still as I walked between the two neighborhoods, the Catholic side was completely run down, and the Protestant side was boasting at the seams with British flags lacing the roads in every direction. And I didn't even make it into a quarter of the way into these towns. The entire place was just covered with this spirit of struggle and hardship and hatred, or rather nationalism in some cases, and I didn't like it one bit. I high-tailed it out of there pretty quickly needless to say.

Second piece of evidence, the Titanic was built in Belfast, and the shipping yards are pretty much exactly the same as when it sailed less than 100 years ago. The saying in Belfast, that is actually on postcards and things is, 'The Titanic was fine when she left here!' On the surface it seems to make sense, but when dissected, not only is it evading any sort of blame (perhaps boasting about building an unsinkable ship is not the best idea), but it's just a rotten response in general! Sure, the ship may have been fine, but all the class discrepancies that were the cause of so many people dying, came from your city! And there were simply not enough lifeboats, and that came from you as well. Even though it's 100 years ago, the whole thing just didn't sit well with me.

Then finally, the icing on the cake, I went to the oldest cemetery in Belfast, which is supposed to have St. Patrick buried there (we're talking 400 A.D.). When I showed up the gates were closed so I peaked inside. I couldn't see much but a few headstones. I looked away and then looked back, and magically, there was a little bisou dog sitting right in front of the second gate, staring at me. Now, there was absolutely no one around. No people walking around, the place was bolted up tight. No groundskeepers around. This dog, all alone, just sat there and stared at me for at least 10 minutes. It did not move! It kept it's eyes on me the entire time! I must have looked insane staring into a gated cemetery for 10 minuets, in an eye-lock with a possible imaginary dog. But I swear it was not imagined. I even took two pictures of it, and last time I checked they were still on my camera! I would post them now but I've left my cord in the hostel, so you'll just have to trust me on this.

Either way, I've come to the conclusion that Belfast is the hellmouth, and should be avoided at all costs, even if it does have beautiful architecture and cheap movies.

As for the second part of this entry, I've made my way to Scotland today, and have found myself in Glasgow for the evening. I was planning on staying at the Euro Hostel, which happens to be right by the Clyde River in the city center. Of course, what do I notice in my guide book under Safety after I've already paid for the hostel? 'Avoid going anywhere near Clyde River as it is full of hookers and thugs.' Oh geez, this is no good. But luck was on my side today, as my grandparent's professor friends from the University of Glasgow had just called to invite me to stay with them for the evening, so here I am, in my own beautiful guest room, far away from the hookers and thugs. Unfortunately I could not get my money back for the hostel, but at least I didn't get the chance to christen my brand new pepper spray. At least not yet.

Other than that side of town though, Glasgow is wonderful. Architecture even more beautiful than Belfast, and a student cafeteria named after a monkey that serves subsidized food to the public. Wonderful! Tomorrow it's onto Edinburgh for the end of the fringe fest and some high class street performances. I've been warned by many to beware of all the crazy people, but hopefully there won't be anymore possessed dogs or hookers. Although you never know!

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