Friday, October 16, 2009

Sleepless in Barcelona

Since arriving in Barcelona, I think I´ve averaged 4 hours of sleep a night. These people seriously never sleep. My day has consisted of walking around the city during the day, in between a constant stream of naps, definitively waking up for good around 8pm, going downstairs to the hostel for their free dinner, drinking with friends at the hostel until around 1:45am, and then going out in an arranged outing to whatever club is hosting the hostel for free for the evening. Staying out til anywhere between 4 and 7am, and finally getting back to sleep and starting it all over again the next morning.

From what I´ve actually seen of the city it´s pretty awesome, other than the ridiculous amount of pickpockets. It reminds me a lot more of France than Spain though, and I´ve read it´s not really considered all that Spanish a city. The food sold in the grocery stores is very similar to the food in France, and I totally had more reasons why it was like France, but I´ve lost it now, clearly from lack of sleep. I walked around today to all the Gaudi buildings (an absolutely crazy Dr. Suess like architect from the late 19th -early 20th century). His masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia was pretty gorgeous, although almost 100 years from it´s start of construction, it´s still being built. I think it´s still go another 10 years to go. Unfortunately all his sites were way too expensive to go in, so I just spent the day walking and eating delicious food.

I´ve had enough of clubbing from the past two nights, so tonight I think I´m going to check out a film festival going on in the city, and hit up a jazz bar I read about it my trusty guide book. Gotta call it an early evening (meaning before 2am) cause I have a bus to catch tomorrow at 10:30am! How that´s ever gonna happen is a mystery to me right now, but we´ll see if I make it tomorrow! I should be getting into Madrid by 6pm, and I´ll be going to a birthday party for one of the people I worked with at the Irish music fest! Should be another couple of crazy nights!

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