Sunday, October 4, 2009

Free Internet!

Which means, picture uploading time!

Btw I made it to Nice, which is absolutely stunning and I've already turned 3 shades darker in one day.

Hey, I'm in Paris! Woo!

At the Tulleries Garden, I think

Goofing off at the Louvre

Posing with an Ewok at the Louvre

With the Venus di Milo

Chilling out with the Holy Grail

My Fresno travel buddy, Chad

The rest of my travel buddies getting a bit loopy at the Louvre


Pretending I'm in an 'American in Paris' mixed with 'Singing in the Rain'

Chad and Jeff, my two favorite travel buddies

Yep, you guessed it. The Moulin Rouge. More like Vegas than anything else.

My lovely CS host Geraldine and her other couchsurfer for the weekend

Sacre Cure - A giant awesome temple

Visiting Jim Morrison's grave

The famous Hall of Mirrors in Versaille

A lovely little path where we laid down for a nap after sneaking into the Versaille gardens for free - truly establishing our reputation as bums for the day

The giant fountain at Versaille gardens

In front of only one of the offshoots of the gardens

In front of Sartre's and Beauvoir's joint grave - sooo cool!

Required Eiffle Tower pic (but I refused to spend the time and money to go up...tourist trap!)

The coolest toy store ever! - Dad thought you'd appreciate this.

My favorite book store, which suprisingly I didn't even have time to peruse thoroughly

Upstairs at Shakespeare and Co pretending to be working

Alright that's all for now...more tomorrow!

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