Saturday, September 5, 2009

TreeHouse Lovin

I've just spent the last week living and working in a treehouse in Kinghorn, Fife. I'm actually writing this post right now from the treehouse, as it is equipt with all our modern conveniences, electricity, internet, running water. It's pretty damn amazing.

Adam M, the creator and owner of the treehouse, has lived on this farm for over 10 years, and spent about 5 years building this house. It's actually situated on a tree, which you can see poking through the middle of the house, and if you put your feet on it, you can feel it move in the wind. The house is also build into the side of a cliff, so instead of having to climb a rope up into the house, Adam's planted a trail of tires filled with earth up to the house, making it quite accessible. He's also built an upper grassy deck, fully stocked with two other sinks, a bar, a sauna, a party barn, and an outdoor compostable toilet.

Not only was the place amazingly beautiful, but the people I stayed with were the most interesting group of individuals I've met on my travels so far. Adam for one, has been living in his treehouse since he was 14, used to perform in the fringe, and now spends most of his time traveling and mining gems to sell in his jewelry business. Adam also had two of his friends from Canada visiting, Jason and Jen, who were both super creative people. Jen works as a photographer and filmmaker, and Jay owns a few yoga studios and is a well known personality back in Canada for his band, newspaper column, and acting/political involvements. The boy is a superhero I think. And he knows my favorite band mates from the Great Big Sea! Crazy! Halfway through the week, Adam added another guest, Johnny, a world traveler and fossil collector based in Bristol. The entire crew continually blew my mind with their awesome stories and I had a ridiculously fun time hanging out with them all.

One of the many adventures of this trip was following Jen and Jay around as they filmed Adam for a commercial they're making for him, and they filmed Jay for a short he's making. Apparently Jay managed to blag (sorta like swindle) his way into a free trip to Scotland by convincing some investors that he could make a funny film short about his trip. Pure brilliance.

I'm almost out of time, so more stories will come tomorrow!

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