Sunday, September 20, 2009

New IPod!

I've made it all the way to London from Scotland! Transportation, being the overpriced annoying sob that it always is, necessitated that I take an overnight bus from Dundee to London that lasted 11 hours. All things considered (giant football player drunk Scotsmen surrounding m and being stuck on the back top of the double decker which is like being in the back of a school bus times 1000), it went off without a hitch. I think I may have even slept 4 intermittent hours with the help of my trusty Tylenol pm. Needless to say, I made it to London!!!

I've been here for two whole days now, and I'm officially exhausted. It really is the biggest frickin' city around, and there is always something to do. In the two days I've been here (one of which I was a walking zombie), I managed to go to the National Gallery, the British Museum, the British Library (SUPER cool place I hadn't been to before, I saw Shakespeare's actual handwriting among a billion ridiculous treasures), Westminster Abbey for an evening service (of which I didn't have to pay the £13 entry fee...but I did have to endure a preacher's sermon), went to every street market in the frickin' city and managed not to spend any money! (GIANT accomplishment), and hung out with my old best friend from elementary school - Sophie Malik!!! Clearly seeing her was the highlight of the weekend! She took me to a super cool part of the city that I've never been where it felt like a more hipstery and less clean Los Angeles. We got street food, hung out at the hipster record store Rough Trade, a crazy nightclub cafe, and then another very cool bar with her friends.

So all in all, I think I've managed to hit everything that I really love about this city in less than 48 hours! And I still have another 2 weeks of sightseeing to go, so hopefully I haven't completely exhausted myself already.

Oh, I also managed to go to the Apple Store somewhere in there, and had them fix my broken ipod, which in Apple terms, meant giving me a shiny new one! Unfortunately they took my old one, with all my music on it, and now I have nothing to listen to on my shiny new ipod. wa-wah. Something shall have to be done about this...and I will figure it out, somehow!

Also, I realized that it was going to cost me at least another £50-70 to take the flight I had already paid for to get to Amsterdam tomorrow (bus fare to and from the airports and additional luggage weight fees), so I ended up just buying a bus ticket for £36 instead. Which means the bus ticket really cost me about £46 with the eating cost from the flight ticket but ce la vie. At least I'll get to Amsterdam in one piece and I won't have to deal with customs, which is always a nice perk!

So, by 7pm tomorrow night, I should be in Amsterdam! Woo!

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