Saturday, September 12, 2009

Scotland Beauty

I've made it to my fourth farm, a 'community' endeavor in small town northern Scotland, about halfway between Inverness and Aberdeen. As of right now, I've already been here a week, and I don't want to ever leave. I have a newfound appreciation for small towns. The story with this 'community' is that it's run by Quentin, a semi-retired business man who has recently sold his railway business or something like that, for a lot of money, and has taken the opportunity to start a new endeavor, The Arch Cafe, which will be run by volunteers who will live at his big country house in a community type of setting. He's just started this project in March, and the cafe is officially opening a day after I leave, next Saturday. Basically, he's had wwoofers staying with him all summer, helping get his garden going, which will then supply most of the product for the cafe, along with brought in coffees and teas. Unfortunately I've missed most of the volunteers since it's already fall, but there is still a few people about, and it's been an absolutely lovely environment to live in. Also, they stick more to the wwoof guidelines here, so I'm only working from 9-1pm and I have the rest of the day off, plus whole weekends off.

Today I went for a little day trip to Stonehaven, to go on a hike to a castle up on a hill overlooking the most spectacular beach. I've also had a great time honing my cooking skills, as we have a community meal every night, and since I enjoy cooking, I usually get the honors of coming up with whatever I'd like to cook with all the amazing organic vegetarian ingredients! Right now, I am about to help set up for a small party to celebrate Nadine's involvement, a German volunteer who has been here for 4 months and is leaving on Tuesday.

Pictures to be posted soon!

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