Monday, September 7, 2009

More Treehouse Stories!

So a bit more about my wonderful week a the treehouse. Most of my work time was spent doing odd jobs around the 'house.' I officially met up with Adam on Sunday, and went out around Edinburgh that night with him and his friends. Adam is apparently infamous all around town, and Jay brought a boom-box with us everywhere we went, so pretty much the entire town knew we were out that night.

Then on Monday, we went back to the treehouse, which was only a 40 minute drive North in Adam's sunflower oil fueled van. When we arrived, most of my work consisted of cleaning up the mess from the weekly party he had the previous Wednesday. Along with other odd jobs like weeding, digging up potatoes, and chopping wood, the work was fairly easy. I would spend a few hours in the morning working while everyone else did filming or sat around the treehouse. Then we'd have a long delicious organic lunch, and I'd do a couple more hours of work while everyone else drank in the treehouse for the most part. In the evening, we'd have delicious stews and pasta and salads, and then sit back and watch movies on Adam's giant projector screen, or listen to Jay write new songs on the spot on his guitar.

Then on Wednesday, Adam held his weekly shindig, which this week was comprised of many of the Fringe street performers. Everyone converged at his treehouse and we had a giant BBQ and spent most of the evening in Adam's sauna. He had a cold water bath outside that you were supposed to jump in after some time in the sauna and then go back into the heat, but I wasn't brave enough to try it.

On Thur, the entire gang was planning on leaving for another arts festival on the other side of Scotland, and they were going to leave me with Diana, the owner of the farm for the remainder of the weekend. Luckily, the weather become quite horrible, and the festival was rained out, so they decided not to go. So I was very lucky for the remainder of the stay, not having to do much work because of the rain, and being able to still hang out with my new buddies.

Finally, on Saturday, we all went back to the city for one last evening of revelry. We had a fancy dinner at an Italian restaurant on the Royal Mile where Adam knows the staff and gets half off on the food. And then I went out on the town with Jay to explore what is a completely different city after the festival is over. We were expecting to find a hopping bar scene like the week before, but we barely found anything all that interesting as everyone was resting up from the previously crazy month of festivities.

I then left my friends for good, as they traveled back to the farm on Sunday, and decided to spend an extra night in Edinburgh in order to see a brilliant fireworks display commemorating the end of the festival. Apparently there was half a million £'s of fireworks or something like that, and the show lasted an entire hour. The display was also perfectly choreographed to a variety of classical music pieces by Handel. Although not my favorite music, the entire program was still incredibly beautiful, and the city was packed once again.

Tonight, then, I travel to my next farm up in the north of Scotland, and I'll be there for at least a week before traveling back down the UK ending up in London. More on that later!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you are having an amazing time! I was so worried about the crazy tree man, but now he sounds awesome and your whole week in the tree house is making me super jealous! post more pictures! also, make sure to keep some of the ticket stubs and papers and things so that i can make you an awesome scrapbook when you come back!!!
