Thursday, September 17, 2009

Photo Update

Since I don't usually have a computer at my beck and call to upload photos, I thought I'd spend a whole post just doing photos for once. Enjoy!

Farm (called The Stables) in Fettercairn, Scotland

At a pub w/ friends (l to r: Nadine - wwoofer from Germany, Tara - Quintin's gf, Quintin - the owner of the farm I'm staying at in Fettercairn)

Me, Nadine, and Tara - I'm in the process of telling Quintin how to use the camera apparently
Also, check out my awesome new vintage leather jacket that I bought in Edinburgh for £5!

Quintin's awesome kitchen which is always stocked full with yummy vegetarian goods. I've cooked many dinners and even attempted jam making, which failed horribly unfortunately

A giant structure of logs that I stacked to get them through the winter. I only stand as tall as the second tier, it is huge and it took all morning to stack!

Quintin's son Mike and Nadine (they began dating a few days before Nadine went back to Germany! She was wwoofing for 4 months!)

The gorgeous outdoor patio

A seaside hike to a castle on a hill in Stonehaven (20 minute trainride away)

Gorgeous Scottish Castle on a hill

Scottish Highland Cows

Back a few weeks - this is Adam's treehouse in Fife

Inside the treehouse - yes that is a real tree

Drinking some coffee in the 'kitchen' (l to r: Jen - Canadian guest, Adam, Johnnie - fossil collector)

Hippie Village (down the hill from the treehouse) and Adam's sunflower oil powered van

Jay (Jen's brother, Canadian superstar) eating breakfast in the treehouse

Me in front of the Edinburgh Castle being a tourist

Alright well that's all the patience I have for this right now. Tomorrow, I take an overnight bus to London, arrive at 7:30am and begin my two-week tourist extravaganza through London, Amsterdam, Paris, and the South of France. Most of it is planned, and will definitely cost me a pretty penny, so hopefully there won't be any hiccups. Next post from London!

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