Friday, July 17, 2009

You're Story Checks Out Just Grand

Oscar Wilde in the Park
I've officially made it to Dublin and spent an entire day/night here on my own! It's your average run-of-the-mill modern city from what I can tell, not all that different from downtown Chicago, except without all the skyscrapers. It's got a river running through the center, some great cultural sites, and a ton of awesome pubs. I was actually incredibly surprised at how authentic the pubs in Chicago and LA have been to a true Irish pub. At least to the touristy version that I've found here in Dublin. It's all been pretty much exactly what I was expecting.
My arrival in Ireland did not go off without a hitch though. When I arrived at customs after a wonderfully comfortable 6.5 hour flight (complete with on-demand movies...I watched 17 Again...sooo cute!) I was met by an incredibly inquisitive customs official who did not believe one ounce of my story about what I was doing in Ireland. I was also not being 100 % honest because I had been told they don't like Wwoofers and you shouldn't mention it. So I just said I was staying with friends. The angry little man made me surrender all my papers with phone numbers and contact information and preceeded to make me wait while he called everyone to verify I was not some vagabond who would be running tricks on the street. After only 30 minutes of waiting (not too bad), he took me aside and said it all checked out just grand, and he let me into the country. I got a stern lecture before I was allowed in though because apparently I must say I have much more money if I am to be let into the U.K. for the rest of my travels. And I am not allowed to go anywhere to experience 'culture,' only for big touristy landmarks I'm told. What a strange experience, especially coming from a country where if you don't answer how they please they just don't let you in, rather than take you aside and give you a speech. Guess I got off pretty lucky thank goodness or things may have been over before they even had begun!
Besides that, everything else has been going well. My hostel, although small and semi-gross, only cost me $12 a night and is safe from what I can tell. Yesterday I managed to see Trinity College w/ the largest single room library in the world, The Book of Kells (the most decorated text from the dark ages), a recreation of a Georgian house from the 1800's, and some lively pub grub and music at the oldest pub in Dublin (800 years old!). I've managed to meet 4 people from the midwest, 2 recent graduates of Depaul (hey Mike and Kristen if you're reading this!) and another recent graduate of IU. It always amuses me how you can travel halfway around the world just to make friends from your home-town.

Library @ Trinity College (stealth pic taking skills as it was not allowed)

Music at Brazen Head Pub ~ Oldest Pub in Dublin

On my second day, I'll be checking out the two national museums, the Guinness brewery and an old English jail if I can manage to keep on schedule. And then more music in the evening! More updates to come.

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